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Find out about how, when and where you can play an exciting, cheap and safe sport!

What is Touch Football? Where Can I Play?

Play Touch Football

Touch Football is a thrilling sport that allows people of all walks of life to achieve their goals; whether that is the thrill of challenging oneself to compete at their best, the thrill of a fast, skilful and exhilarating sport, the thrill of meeting new people or the thrill of being a part of something that can span a lifetime.

Touch Football has over 400,000 registered members and an additional 500,000 children participating in school programs and related activities, which places the sport among the top participant based, organised sports in Australia.

Join your local touch football competition today!

Coaching Touch Football

Coaches play a vital role in Touch Football, fostering the development of our athletes both on and off the field.

Becoming an accredited coach is an important step in ensuring that you are providing a quality service to the participants you are working with.

Become a touch football coach today!

Referee Touch Football

Referees play a vital role in touch football, ensuring our game is played in a fair, safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.

Becoming an accredited referee is an important step in ensuring that you are equipped with the knowledge of the Rules of the game, but also the latest on-field game information, and skills to manage and create a safe and enjoyable environment for all. It is also a great way to remain fit and active and participate in our game.

Become a touch football referee today!


From committee members to sideline marshalls and everything between, volunteers are the lifeblood of our sport and are essential to local touch football oganisations across the region.

There are many different ways that you can volunteer to help and it can be done in just a few short (and fun) hours! If you've got an hour to spare, consider putting your hand up to volunteer to help your local association.

Latest News & Information

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