TFA has launched a new Learning Management System in partnership with etrainu called The Nest. This system presents an exciting opportunity for our sport to offer a one-stop shop for education and additional resources for our members.

We would appreciate if you could take five minutes out of your day to jump in to the The Nest to"

1. Create a user profile and update your contact details - it's free!

2. Go through the RPL/RCC process to compete your historical Sport Education profile -  this is free too!

When doing so please remember:

You will be asked a series of questions - don't stress if you don't know/remember all the answers

Only complete one RPL/RCC per accreditation (eg Level 3 Referee, not level 1, 2 and 3)

You will be asked to upload your Sport Education Certificate - don't worry if you have lost it or you never received one.  We created the RPL-RCC Code of Ethics Agreement for this scenario

Stay turned for the release of exciting new resources and education opportunities in the next twelve months. 

For further information please read through the attached memo and ‘How To’ guides.

* TFA Community Memo

* Registration How to Guide

* RPL/RCC - How to Guide

*RPL/RCC - Code of Ethics Agreement