Some new features have been released into MySideline.

Marking Members as Financial

For members who pay off-platform there is now a way to mark the member as financial.  When a member is marked as financial the system will send them a receipt.

Best practice: Add in the notes section the method and date paid so that this can be tracked back if required.

Action: No action is required if your members don't need their status updated.

Team Name Display Number

The number of teams with the same/similar name that display in a search has now been increased to 70.

Best practice: If the team has a common team name, the team captain should forward the invite to players to make it easier for them to register into the team.  The MYSideline Admin FAQs also show you how to create a specific link for a team if they for whatever reason no longer have the email.

Action: None required.

New Report Available: Player Stats

This report will show a summary of games played and tries scored.  The report will also show the number of games required for the competition eligibility and if the player has made the correct number of games.

Action: None required.

Competitions/Teams - Active/Inactive

As Season 1/Winter competitions come to a close and teams need to be removed from the finder, there is now the ability to make a competition inactive.

Marking a competition as inactive (see where to click, below) will do the following:

* Remove that competition's team from the finder

* Mark the competitions as display = no

Note: They will be removed from the online in the next refresh.  If you want them to stay in the display, just update to say "display = yes" after you/ve made them inactive.

Action: Mark any teams or competitions that you may have been waiting to mark as inactive.

Reminder: Age Group and Gender Registration Impacts

Age Groups on Team and Competitions block registrations

* Under xx - This will allow the age minus 1 to register eg Under 14 will allow 13 and 14 year olds to register

* Seniors - 19+ will be allowed to register

* Masters - 35+ will be allowed to register

If the set age groups are blocking registrations you don't want blacked, update your teams and competitions to All Ages.

Note: If you change the competition, you'll have to change the teams' age groups within that competition as well.


The gender on the competition will only allow that gender to register.  If you are allowing all genders to register, select "All" in the competition set up.

Action: Update your teams and competitions to All Ages if the above ages are blocking registrations you don't want to block.


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