Some observations from the President as we approach round two season 1
A BIG thank you to:
*all those teams who have supplied duty referees as per our bylaws
*team leaders & players who have supported our payment system & continue to support Covid safe practices that have
been put into place
*’The Mask Wearers’ - it won’t be long – no need for masks, shirts or bits of rag to cover our beautiful faces after this
*committee members & helpers whose efforts don’t go unnoticed at this busy time of the season
*our regular referees for all that they do to ensure the games run smoothly
*team registration is due now
*individual player registration needs to be completed so that games played can be counted [see link below]
*if referees can be at their assigned games as soon as practicable, it helps with the smooth running of the night
*due to our need to be aware of weather and field conditions, watch facebook for cancellations [no later than 16:00]
*the less rubbish [lolly packets, strapping etc] left around the fields, the quicker the fields get mowed, the happier the
Vice President is
*all positive comments about the competition are greatly appreciated at any time
* competition semi finals [1 st v 4 th & 2 nd v 3 rd ] are on the night games are played 13/06, 15/06 & 16/06, with finals the
following week on 20/06, 22/06 & 23/06 [as per the whiteboard in the bar]
* at present we have these teams –
Monday - M1 -4, M2/3 -12, Mx3 – 10 & Mx4 -10
Wednesday – Social Mx -10 & casual Mx -10
Thursday – M39 – 8, W1 – 6 & W2/3 – 6
(teams will be split into divisions for semis at the end of the round games eg top 4, then next 4, etc – this system attempts
to include as many teams as possible in the semis)
How good is the new cold room!! [Thanx to ‘The Deputy’]
AND our 44 solar panels on the roof will help with the electricity bills! [Thanx to Jacko & Warren Entsch]
Peter Rowe {President CPTA}