Annual General Meeting 2022 - Minutes



Thursday 26th May 2022


Aeroglen Clubhouse


Peter Rowe, David Jackson, Jaquie Yanner-Bailey, Adrian Baxter, Luke Frazer, Tracey Hickenbotham, and twenty-one registered players and associates.



Graham Telfer, Alwyn Bailey, Debbie Telfer, Cass Pajor and Andy Williams.



8:05 pm


Minutes have been circulated to committee. Motion to accept minutes of previous meeting on October 2020:

Moved:      Shane Tibbs                Seconded:        Luke Fraser                   PASSED




President Report


After taking up the position in October 2020 with the assurances of the job being easy, I was impressed by several things. Firstly, how much passion each of the past and present committee members had, which was easily noticed by the number of hours they were willing to commit to the club in order to have a functioning association. It then became apparent that I had plenty to learn about the vast number of various aspects of the everyday running of the club. There have been several changes in committee personnel over the past three seasons, due to differing reasons - mostly unavoidable, and as Telf would remind us, the pay is lousy. Having said that, we are always on the lookout for members to join the committee to give it an injection of fresh ideas. Throughout this period with the help of grants & judicious use of club money, we have purchased or acquired a golf buggy for easy access to far flung fields, a defibrillator, washing machine, BBQ, fridges, solar panels, and our pride and joy, a brand-new cold room. There are many people I’d like to thank: I would like to extend my thanx to committee members past & present for their selfless efforts. An enormous thanx to Jaquie and Jane without whom there would perhaps be no Juniors, for their tireless efforts in running our junior competition & organising teams to represent us at the North Queensland championships in Townsville. Thank you to others outside the committee who have helped throughout the last three seasons – Tony with our grants, Degen for his efforts with our recurring plumbing   issues and our sponsors – Stubbo, Shane and most recently RAMS home loans. We welcome Paul Davis on board as our auditor and preferred accountant. He is a long-time member of our association and has been very generous with his time. Under his guidance our audit has successfully completed up to the end of 2021. Thank you to our players and especially referees, whose numbers and experience have grown under the watchful eyes of Adrian, Cass and Tanya. I believe our group of referees is the strongest it has been for many years. To that end, we have had very few sittings of the judiciary panel and we thank Trevor and Ben for their continued efforts in that area. Our fields have been used by Peninsula Sport for touch trials, several schools for cross country events and the Deadly Choices organisation also held a very successful touch carnival last year. As well, we are looking forward to the upcoming state high schools touch championships in June. Which, with the help of generous volunteers, should bolster our prospects of air conditioning the fields! Changes to our fee structure during the last three seasons included game fees rising from $8 to $10 for adults and from $4 to $5 for juniors and team season payments became $1500. The new Teampay system was introduced this year with varying degrees of success so far. After much discussion last year, it was decided to increase referees’ pay to reward those who have achieved higher status in the refereeing ranks and those enthusiastic beginners who turn up every week to hone their skills. Team referees were reintroduced after many years absence. This has proved successful in filling the gaps and easing the load on an already stressed system. This success has relied entirely upon the cooperation of the teams involved. For this we thank the players who have stepped up. Finally, another giant pat on the back for two committee members who deserve a special mention for all the work they do to keep the cub afloat – Telf [who is absent] and Jacko [the reason the fields are in such good condition]. Thank you. All the best for the rest of the season and hopefully we can avoid flu, the dreaded COVID and heavy rainfall.

Moved – Jacquie Yanner-Bailey and Seconded – Josh Todd.

Moved – Jacquie Yanner-Bailey and Seconded – Josh Todd

Auditor Report

·         Auditor report was offered for viewing.




Treasurers Report


·         No financials were read out.



Election of Officers

·         No election needed as only one person applied for each position.


Announcement of 2022-2023 Executive Committee Members and General Committee

·         President – Peter Rowe

·         Vice President – Graham Telfer

·         Treasurer – Larry Hunter

·         Secretary/Administrator – Jane

·         Referee Director – Adrian Baxter

·         Junior Director – Jacquie Yanner-Bailey

·         Technical Director – Cassandra Pajor





1.    Season One

·         We will be extending season one due to washouts.  There will be two rounds before the mid-year school holiday, one round after the holiday, semis, grand final and two weeks off.


2.    Season Two

·         Season Two will commence 15th August 2022 and will be played through the September/October school holiday. Semi Finals week will commence 28th of November and the Grand Finals week will commence 5th December 2022.


Meeting Closed

8:40 pm

Next AGM Meeting

March 2023