We plan to publish a new "This week in Touch" article every Friday so if you have any news, see the bottom of this page.
NQ Touch Goes Mobile
The NQ Touch website - www.nqtouch.com.au - has now gone mobile! You can now access this website from your mobile phone and have it display in a mobile-friendly format and all you have to do is type "www.nqtouch.com.au" into your phone's web browser.
Elite 8 Finals on FOX Sports
Touch Football Australia and FOX Sports continued their partnership with the broadcast of the 2013 Elite 8 Series finals this week. The Women's final was broadcast on Wednesday and the Men's was broadcast today. If you missed it, tune into FOX Sports 2 at 7:00 AM Saturday morning (May 6) for the replay of the Men's final, and FOX Sports 3 at 1:30 AM on Tuesday (May 7) for the Women's. Probably best to iQ or MyStar them!
Sports Expo's
Innisfail State College held a "Deadly Sports Program" on Tuesday and Touch was one of the six sports featured. In conjunction with the Innisfail Touch Association, Our Cairns-based Touch Football Coordinator, Darren Hunt, coordinated the sessions which included skills and drills as well as information about the local competitions for the 130 Year 8 kids in attendance.
While we are on the topic of expo's, Gordonvale Touch Association were involved in a "Healthy Bodies" expo last Friday. Students were exposed to the sport of Touch Football and even got to see some footage Touch Football being played at the highest level.
Cairns Pirates Brandtree Super Series
Last Friday saw Round 3 of the Brandtree Super Series in Cairns. The best Touch players in the Cairns area are battling for supremacy over the next few weeks. If you wan't to see some of the best Touch in the region, get down to the Aeroglen field tonight for Round 4.
Bowen Level 1 Referees Course
The first Level 1 Referees course in a number of years was run by the Bowen Touch Association in conjunction with NQ Touch on Saturday. Eight new referees recieved training from Townsville-based Touch Football Coordinator, Kerrod Hall, and Bowen Touch President, Peter Graham. Kerrod will be travelling back to Bowen in a couple of weeks time to complete on-field assessments and give coaching to local referees.
Already ths year there have been a number of referees courses held across the NQ region. If you are looking to attend a referees course, please speak to your local affiliate or get in contact with the NQ Touch office.
What's Coming Up?
1. QSST Under 18 State Championships - May 10-12
Cairns will host the Under 18 QSST State Championships on May 10 to 12. Some of the best junior talent in the state will be on show over the weekend. If you are in the Cairns area, make sure you get down to the Aeroglen fields to check out the action.
2. QSST Under 15 Boys State Championships - May 31 - June 2
Mount Isa will be hosting the Under 15 Boys QSST State Championships from May 31 to June 2. The Mount Isa Touch Association is looking for referees to assist so if you'll be in the Mt Isa area over the weekend, make sure you bring your whistle!
3. 2013 NQ Championships
The 2013 North Queensland Open & Senior Regional Touch Championships are back in June and will be run over the Queens Birthday long-weekend (June 8 & 9). Your affiliate is now looking for interested players, coaches and referees to attend this years event. Visit www.nqtouch.com.au/nqchamps now for more information.
A note for affiliates: the early-bird cut-off date is Friday May 17, 2013.
4. 2013 NQ All Schools
This year's NQ All Schools will be held on August 24 & 25 in Townsville and nominations are now open. Visit www.nqtouch.com.au/allschools now for more information.
5. Townsville Touch Ca$h Competition - June 28-30
After the success of last years event, the Townsville Touch Ca$h Comp will return in 2013. Nominations are now open but they won't be for long. Email townsvilletouchcashcomp@hotmail.com for information about this years event.
Have some information for us? Email kerrod@nqtouch.com.au and we'll include it in next week's article.